My Story

At the age of 16, I was confirmed into the Catholic Church and with doing so, I chose St. Therese of Lisieux as my confirmation Saint. Little did I know at the time that she would have a huge impact on my life. In 2021 I dropped out of college with a strong sense of urgency that I needed to move back in with my parents. Within a few months of being home my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer. It was providential because not long after the Lord called her home. Since then, the last 2 years have been a healing journey. I have conviction that the Lord placed this desire in me to really get to know St. Therese and her story. Come to find out we have a lot in common- she too lost her mom from cancer and she expresses the grief and emotional struggles that overcame her. Not only did St. Therese respond to this grief by trusting in God and uniting her suffering to his, but she also chose joy and to cling to Jesus. Her story has given me a lot of peace with my own walk with loss. St. Therese is the main inspiration behind my business. She has become a true friend and her “little way” has helped simplify my relationship with Jesus. I hope to share the lives of the Saints in unique ways- I believe their stories draw us deeper into holiness.

I am so excited to see what the Lord does with this platform and I can’t thank you enough for being apart of this journey!

My Family

In the messiness of life, God blessed me with my amazing husband, Caleb and our 3 month old son, Matthias Lee. These boys are the light of my life! I can’t thank my husband enough for supporting me in my desires to be a stay at home mom and start my own business.